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관용구인 숙어(Idioms)는 "표현법" 이라고 생각하면 됩니다.
그러나 숙어도 문법이나 어법처럼 맞는 표현을 써야 합니다.
흔히 사용되는 15개의 숙어들 중에서 Q88-94에 맞게 표현된 것을 찾아 봅니다.

Q88: 파란색과 초록색중 하나를 꼭 선택해야 합니다.
(A) A choice must be made between blue and green.
(B) A choice must be made between blue or green.
숙어: Between X and Y - X 와 Y 중 하나

Q89: 많은 의사들은 스트레스가 흡연, 음주 또는 과식보다 더 장수에 안 좋은 영향을 끼친다고 간주합니다.
(A) Many doctors consider stress a more destructive influence on one’s longevity than smoking, drinking, or overeating.
(B) Many doctors consider stress as a more destructive influence on one’s longevity than smoking, drinking, or overeating.
(C) Many doctors consider stress to be a more destructive influence on one’s longevity than smoking, drinking, or overeating.
숙어: Consider(ed)- "to be"(X) - consider(ed) 이 직접 목적어와 함께 쓰이기 때문에 "as" 나 "to be" 를 쓰지 않습니다.

Q90: 처음에 여성은 후천성 면역 결핍증(에이즈) 위험성이 낮다고 간주되었습니다
(A) At first women were considered at low risk for HIV.
(B) At first women were considered as at low risk for HIV.
(C) At first women were considered to be at low risk for HIV.
숙어: Consider(ed)-"to be"(O) - consider(ed) 이 생각되어졌거나 믿어졌다면 "to be"를 써야합니다.

Q91: 많은 사람들은 구텐베르크가 인쇄기를 발명했다고 믿습니다.
(A) Many credit Gutenberg as having invented the printing press.
(B) Many credit Gutenberg with having invented the printing press.
숙어: Credit(ed) X with having - X가 한 일을 믿다.

Q92: 영화 '양들의 침묵'에서, 한니발 렉터 박사는 뛰어난 정신과 의사와 쇠창살로 된 자신의 마음 감옥에 갇혀있는 식인 연쇄 살인범으로 묘사됩니다.
(A) In the movie Silence of the Lambs, Dr. Hannibal Lecter is depicted as a brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer who is confined as much by the steel bars of his cell as by the prison of his own mind.
(B) In the movie Silence of the Lambs, Dr. Hannibal Lecter is depicted to be a brilliant psychiatrist and cannibalistic serial killer who is confined as much by the steel bars of his cell as by the prison of his own mind.
숙어: Depicted as - ~로 묘사하다.

Q93: 오직 전문가들만 진품과 가짜를 구별 할 수 있습니다.
(A) Only experts can distinguish a masterpiece and a fake.
(B) Only experts can distinguish a masterpiece from a fake.
숙어: Distinguish X from Y - X 와 Y 를 구별하다.

Q94: 의사는 뇌 이식 수술을 할 수 있는 기술은 가지고 있지만, 그들이 그렇게 할 수 있다는 명백한 증거는 없습니다.
(A) Although medical practitioners have the technology to perform brain transplants, there is no clear evidence that they can do it.
(B) Although medical practitioners have the technology to perform brain transplants, there is no clear evidence that they can do so.
숙어: Do so - 그렇게

정답: 88번은 (A), 89번은 (A), 90번은 (C), 91번은 (B), 92번은 (A), 93번은 (B), 94 (B) 입니다.

Excerpt From
The Little Gold Grammar Book
Brandon Royal
This material may be protected by copyright.

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