티스토리 뷰

Rule 34: 한 대상자의 특징을 다른 대상자와 직접 비교하는 것이 아니라, 한 대상자의 특징은 다른 대상자의 특징을 비교해야 합니다.

Incorrect: Tokyo’s population is greater than Beijing.
도쿄의 인구는 베이징(의 인구) 보다 많습니다. 

Q60: Tokyo’s population is greater than the ________ of Beijing.
A60: Tokyo's population is greater than the population of Beijing.

Q61: Tokyo’s population is greater than Beijing’s ________.
A61: Tokyo's population is greater than Beijing's population.

Q62: Tokyo’s population is greater than that of ________.
A62: Tokyo's pophlationis greater than that of Beijing.

Q63: Tokyo’s population is greater than ___________.
A63: Tokyo's population is greater than Beijing's.

Also: Tokyo's population is greater that Beijing's population.
Also: Tokyo's population is greater than that of Beijing.
Also: Tokyo's Population is greater that the population of Beijing.

Incorrect: Of all the countries contiguous to India, Pakistan’s borders are most strongly defended.
인도에 근접한 모든 국가들 중, 파키스탄의 국경은 가장 튼튼하게 방어할 수 있습니다. (X)

Q64: Of all the countries contiguous to India, ____________________________.
A64: Of all the countries contiguous to India, Pakistan has the most strongly defended borders.
인도에 근접한 모든 국가들 중, 파키스탄은 가장 강력하게 국경을 방어합니다.

Excerpt From
The Little Gold Grammar Book
Brandon Royal
This material may be protected by copyright.

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